Solar-tables of recycled panels

The solar business is growing and the first panels are being replaced by energy producers, to get more power out of their plants. We buy these solar panels and give them a second live, before they are really ready to be recycled. Most of them still have 60% or more remaining capacity. We test all our panels and deliver them with a new battery or a grid inverter. All tables have USB charging sockets for your phone and other mobile devices.

Video's of the prototype on Pampus

Product models

Solar-tables can be ordered in one of the following models: on-grid inverter or off-grid battery.

The on-grid inverter can be plugged in any wall socket and works just like a roof installed solar panel, delivering all energy back to your house. This model comes with a 230V socket, such that you can connect any device, even a gourmet. As long as it is connected to your house. ;-)

The off-grid battery model has a battery to store the solar energy and works off-grid. No cables have to be connected, it just works directly. The off-grid version is delivered with 12V battery and USB sockets. This battery can easily charge your tablets and mobiles, even at night. ;-)

Product Options

All tables are delivered with usb-ports to charge your tablet and mobile phone. Solar-tables can be delivered with LED lighting on the bottom, giving your table the glow at night. You can even change to colors with a remote. Tables can also be delivered with 4G Wifi hotspot, making customers happy. Customers can than even order food and drinks in your restaurant, without having to wait for a waiter. This option is called mobile order.

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Questions? Contact us! is a circulair products (CP) company start-up. Do you have any questions about our products and possibilities? Please leave a message at For restaurants and bigger orders, please contact